Pulse Disruptor (Powerplay faction locked).Cytoscrambler (Powerplay faction locked).Thermal weapons are effective at stripping shields. These weapons use a charging capacitor and thus do not need ammo, but tend to drain weapon energy quickly and take time to recharge. When there is insufficient energy to fire a weapon, a "Thermal Overload" Message will be displayed next to the Weapon's name on the HUD. Increasing the number of pips to the Weapons Energy Capacitor will increase the recharge rate on the Weapons Energy Capacitor, allowing weapons to be fired more frequently. Most weapons, with the exception of several explosive weapons, will be unable to fire if there is insufficient energy in the Weapons Energy Capacitor. The explosive blast from Explosive type weapons is capable of damaging multiple ships if they are near the detonation point, which can easily cause "friendly-fire" problems if not used carefully.
They are capable of being fired without adequate weapons energy reserves at the cost of extreme system heat, which can easily overheat your ship and do module and/or hull damage to your own ship. Explosive weapons have small and limited ammunition supplies, and can be shot down by Point-Defense Turrets. The Railgun and Plasma Accelerator deal Thermal kinetic damage.Įxplosive weapons, such as missiles, torpedoes, and mines, are extremely ineffective against shields, but can inflict strong damage to a ship's hull. However, Thermal Kinetic weapons are equally effective against shields and hull and tend to have high damage and high penetration. Thermal Kinetic weapons require ammunition to fire, produce a lot of heat, and require a larger amount of energy to fire. Kinetic weapons deal reduced damage to shields but increased damage to ship hulls.
Kinetic weapons require ammunition to fire and also require reloads when your current magazine runs empty however, they build up heat slower than Energy weapons. Thermal weapons deal increased damage to shields and normal damage to a ship's hull. Thermal weapons (lasers) have the benefit of unlimited ammunition, but they also tend to overheat your weapons systems more rapidly than Kinetic weapons do. Weapon damage is divided into four categories: Thermal, Kinetic, Thermal-Kinetic, and Explosive.